Monday, July 11, 2011

The Start of Something New.....

I've always wanted to blog, but I'm not the greatest writer in the world so my new idea is to photo blog.  Please ignore the grammatical errors I make and enjoy the pictures I post.

I recently received a Canon Rebel XS camera from my lovely boyfriend Kevin for my birthday.  I honestly don't know much about how to use it but I love taking pictures.  I'm going to post various pictures of my life and food as I learn how to master the camera.

At the age of 28, something seemed to turn in my life.  I'm looking for direction or significance and I felt it was time to start something new.  I feel somewhat like a lost soul, working at the same company for almost 5 years now, (not loving the job) and the various directions I want to take range from the culinary world to a nurse.  So you can see I'm a but confused.  Maybe posting my pictures, thoughts, passions and life will help guide me to where I'm supposed to be.

This might start off slow, it might not go anywhere but I'm hoping it will be a journey of experiences to help inspire me.

I love food, so I'll be visiting various places in NYC, Astoria and where ever my life takes me. I'll be cooking food as well, who knows, maybe one day I'll cook my way through an interesting cook book.  The possibilities are endless when you literally have a whole life ahead of you.  Music is essential in my life, so tons I'll post tons of info on bands and concerts too.  Books, well, they're also popular in my world.  Basically this will be about anything life throws my way and all the things in life I enjoy, narrated by mainly pictures.

So sit tight and stay tuned as I learn about life, food, cooking and my camera.......

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